Failure Is The Pillars Of Success | Powerful Motivation |

3 min readMay 23, 2021

Failure Is The Pillars Of Success :

Failure Is The Pillars Of Success this quotes is very special as well as contains a deep meaning which tells us some important lessons of life. As we know, there will be no person in the world who has not failed in their life every person, however perfect, may fail once in their life. People consider failure as their enemy and always try to run away from it. The reason behind this is that there is a very bad perception about failure in the mind of the people and society also does not accept the failed people. In such a situation, a question will definitely come in the mind of most people and maybe you can also be one of them that how Failure Is The Pillars Of Success?

To understand the importance of failure, we must first look at the idea of people that they see failure from a perspective actually what happens is that most people of society see failure in a bad way and they feel that we are not capable of success and they think that we will never be successful in our life. Failure has such a negative effect inside people that some people who are of a weak mind have a feeling of suicide and most of the person even try to do it. People thinks that this is the only last option left but they were totally wrong because attempting suicide in not the solution of any of the problem my dear friends. A person who thinks about suicide over and over again cannot be successful no matter how much they tries. Actually it happens that people look at a failed person with such bad eyes as if that person has done something wrong but those who do it.

Importance of failure in life :

Failure is such an important part of life and we all should also consider its importance that no one is born perfect in the world and if it is possible so there are perfect people roaming around us. Very few people understand the importance of failure in their life. It is very necessary to have failure in life because success teaches us a lot in life, due to which we get a chance to rectify our mistakes and know what mistakes we are making. If we do not fail in any work of our life, then we do not understand the real value of that work which is very important. Failure is like our mentor in a way that tries to make us feel and understand at the right time of particular mistake that we have made in our life.

People thinks about themselves very unlucky due to failure but according to me you are lucky because every successful person go through their failure. The failure that you consider to be your bad luck every successful person claims that ‘’A person is very lucky who face their failure at right time’’ because most of the person got their failure and try to run away but remember one thing that do not go away from your failure, always try to tackle it. A person who would not fight with their problem they does not have the right to succeed in life and success runs away from him, because success also comes to that person, who fight with their problem like a brave.




Hey I am here for motivate others and also wants me to keep myself motivated as well as growth in life.